Seth Olawale Olaniyi, fondly called "Dr Seth" by friends is a self-taught cinematographer & graphic artist. This versatile young man is the brain behind a number of great musical videos and TV productions over the years.
He has always been regarded as “different” because of his out-of-the-box mentality., Dr Seth co-produced the TV magazine program, “Praise vibes” as a medical student. He also has a number of TV adverts and radio jingles to his credit.
There is no question wherein truly lies the passion of this film maker, as he would tell you his greatest moments are when handling his video camera.
He is the founder of IRIS media and directs the creative process ably assisted by a team of trusted and time tested script writers, DOPs and sound designers.
"Cinematography for me, is a way of life. I've been blessed with the gift of a great imagination and I owe it to God and man to bear tangible fruits with it".
Contact Dr Seth