It's a "supersonic" world we live in today: Everyone and everything moves so fast that it is very easy to get the feeling that you're being left behind, & as a result feel a need to "catch up" everytime. It is also very easy to miss out on the beauty present all around us because we're always on the move. However right in the midst of this ‘swift’ generation, there still exist those who have the special ability to slow down time & literally "freeze" the moment in time. Now, I know you would naturally assume I'm talking about photography, but not quite.

Recently, I spent the day with a friend who has a deep passion for a form of art that most of us usually take for granted. Prior to this, I had never once spared a thought about just how much goes into the making of one painting, but one visit to the art studio broadened my mind.

If ever you're opportune to spend some time with an artist at work, the first thought that will strike you is the care and deliberateness that goes into making each stroke of the brush and how each brush and color on the palette has its own rightful little place in the "big picture".

The art of painting, not so much unlike photography or even film making, is one that employs a blend of all the ingredients in the artist's arsenal to pass across a thought, a memory or an idea. However, while a photograph is taken in an instant, the average painting takes days and sometimes weeks or even months to capture the entirety of the picture in the artist's mind

Photography does make the world go round, but painting is in a world of its own & if there's  one thing I am certain about, it is never to pass by any painting without as much as a second glance ever again. There is usually a lot to be said and heard within those brush strokes.

Art photography by Dr Seth

All paintings by Olatunde Oyinloye.

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