This morning, I started working on a montage, and in the process of selecting rushes I wanted to use, I had to delete some files. Then something caught my attention for the first time that I'd never given thought to till now.......the recycle bin NEVER "complains" if one sent into it a 100 similar files with the same file name and extension as is the case in any other folder.
I had to pause for a moment and reflect on how this is so similar to the life of the average creative.

Many a time, we are tempted to duplicate someone else's style. As a matter of fact, we all do it at some point or another for some reason or the other, be it tight deadlines, brain block or sheer laziness.
But, the crux is that, a lot of what we do ends up just like those files in the recycle bin.
To stand out, and be unique takes time, devotion, talent, and inspiration. We all need these, and should invest in developing these ingredients to attain & master originality in our crafts. Only then can we truly have our place & name in the "folder" that is our generation.